Our mission is to help people discover the voices, perspectives and people that are changing the world.
What is Speakerpedia?
Speakerpedia is an open community directory that helps you discover the voices that are changing the world. We strive to maintain the most comprehensive database of professional speakers. This is the Wikipedia of Speakers. Any community member can suggest new speakers, edit profiles, and save and share favorites.
In addition to the hundreds of thousands of data points we have collected, the experiences and expertise shared by users is what drives our site. Our active user community contributes invaluable information including reviews, ratings, past booking notes, fee data and advice. If you are looking for real-world insights and information from speakers or meeting planners, you'll find it here.
Speakerpedia Mission
- Develop the most exhaustive database of speakers and thought leaders on any subject.
- Build a community of industry stakeholders to collaborate, educate, share best practices and lead the conversation on what the future of the industry looks like.
- To help people discover emerging speakers, read authentic reviews, and find out when their favorite speakers are in the news.
Benefits to Users:
- Crowd-Sourced Insights: unbiased feedback on speakers from event planners and attendees to assist with their decision-making process
- Reliable estimates on speaker fees without the need to contact each agent for individual speaker pricing in early stages of planning
- Discovery and consideration of the most complete list of potential speakers within their desired topic or subject-matter
- Ability to contribute to the community, sharing the valuable information they’ve learned from firsthand experience
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