Displaying all 15 speakers
080718  vivian howard aae headshot

Vivian Howard

Kinston, NC, USA

Curtis Aikens

San Francisco, CA, USA
120720 susie fishbein aae headshot

Susie Fishbein

New Jersey, USA

Chef Maira Isabel

Charlotte, NC, USA
78 b

Mindy Segal

Chicago, IL, USA
111521 anna olson aae headshot

Anna Olson

Anna Olson's Baking Wisdom: The Complete Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Make You...

Niagara Falls, Canada
Aliya leekong 1

Aliya LeeKong

New York, NY, USA

Anne Thornton

New York, NY, USA

Christina Pirello

Philadelphia, PA, USA
Chef kurt with seared scallops

Chef Kurt Metzger

San Diego, CA, USA
Chef bob waggoner is back in town

Bob Waggoner

Charleston, SC, USA

Shane Tallant

Washington, DC, USA
Lindsey williams

Lindsey Williams

New York, NY, USA

Charles Mattocks

Orlando, FL, USA
Bonnie muirhead01

Bonnie Muirhead

Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
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