Displaying 1 - 20 of 66 speakers
Fieri guy 2024 540x540

Guy Fieri

San Francisco, CA, USA

Gary Hamel

Unleashing Everyday Genius with John Ferriola

Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Thr ev williams cchavarria the hollywood reporter ev williams hi res 28

Ev Williams

San Francisco, CA, USA
02jack 1 articlelarge

Jack Dorsey

San Francisco, CA, USA
Hero image.fill.size 1200x675.v1619478679

Simone Giertz

Simone Giertz | Officially Unofficial YouTube Inventor Award Show

San Francisco, CA, USA
Mythbusters jamie hyneman 1 625x450

Jamie Hyneman

San Francisco, CA, USA

Rodney Brooks

San Francisco, CA, USA
Mit sheryl sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg

A Conversation with Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Freed

Palo Alto, CA, USA
031323 brandi chastain aae headshot

Brandi Chastain

San Jose, CA, USA
Michael i jordan

Michael I. Jordan

Berkeley, CA, USA
3t8a6453 scaled

Angela Davis

Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Anitaborg behindthetech2322 025x

Danielle Feinberg

Oakland, CA, USA
Z obermeyer mucem scaled

Ziad Obermeyer

Berkeley, CA, USA
092222 shawn ginwright aae headshot

Shawn Ginwright

Oakland, CA, USA
6520d2a4de7ac7ff7fda9a0d olaf groth 2

Olaf Groth

Berkeley, CA, USA
A1tbrvrpawl. sx450 cr0 2c0 2c450 2c450

Kari Byron

San Francisco, CA, USA
Jason ma ucb campus

Jason Ma

Silicon Valley, CA, USA
Johnpowell headshot 0

john a. powell

Berkeley, CA, USA
Spencer christian vftb 288

Spencer Christian

San Francisco, CA, USA
020425 alex salkever headshot

Alex Salkever

San Francisco, CA, USA
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