030524 daymond john aae headshot

Daymond John

New York, NY, USA
053024 van jones aae headshot

Van Jones

Los Angeles, CA, USA
071118 arlan hamilton aae headshot

Arlan Hamilton

Your First Million: Why You Don’t Have to Be Born into a Legacy of Wealth to Leave One ...

Los Angeles, CA, USA
091823 cassandra worthy aae headshot

Cassandra Worthy

Atlanta, GA, USA
Time person of the year time person of the year caitlyn jenner

Caitlyn Jenner

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Yara Shahidi

Let Curiosity Lead | Yara Shahidi | TED

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Peterdiamandis headshot

Peter Diamandis

Los Angeles, CA, USA
040423 elaine welteroth aae headshot

Elaine Welteroth

Los Angeles, CA, USA
111720 america ferrera aae headshot

America Ferrera

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Lena Waithe

Los Angeles, CA, USA
032224 richardflorida aae headshot 3 credzanetti

Richard Florida

The Great Reset: How the Post-Crash Economy Will Change the Way We Live and Work

Toronto, Canada
 112528496 gettyimages 1167954498

Carly Fiorina

Alexandria, VA, USA
Oprah winfrey arrives at the premiere of owns david makes news photo 1678107172

Oprah Winfrey

Chicago, IL, USA
Cynt 20marshall 20  20you e2 80 99ve 20been 20chosen11060

Cynthia Marshall

Dallas, TX, USA
1200px richard branson march 2015  28cropped 29

Sir Richard Branson

Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands
Artworks c0gkdxac7zkmqwjh uvzy6w t500x500

Kimberlé Crenshaw

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Joy Buolamwini

Cambridge, MA, USA
Mv5bodm1nzg3zdutmji2my00zdqzlthlotgtmjmwmju0ngq4mtgwxkeyxkfqcgdeqxvynjq3mti2mdu . v1

Angelica Ross

Chicago, IL, USA
052224 alaa murabit aae headshot

Alaa Murabit

Boston, MA, USA
041624 levar burton aae headshot

LeVar Burton

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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