Erec smith portrait

Erec Smith

Erec Smith: A Diversity Trainer Speaks Out Against DEI

York, PA, USA
Fatimah gilliam headshot

Fatimah Gilliam

Book Reading and Overview of “Race Rules” by Fatimah Gilliam

New York, NY, USA
Jfk head shot   tawana rogers  1

James Felton Keith

New York, NY, USA

Lisa Nunn

San Diego, CA, USA
041923 kenny xu aae headshot

Kenny Xu

Washington, DC, USA
Faye cobb

Fay Cobb Payton, PhD

Raleigh, NC, USA
Bret weinstein

Bret Weinstein

Oregon, USA
091223 kym  worthy aae headshot

Kym Worthy

Detroit, MI, USA
092321 abby ferber aae headshot

Abby Ferber

Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Pamela mccauley

Pamela McCauley

Orlando, FL, USA

Iris Bohnet

Make Work Fair: Data-Driven Design for Real Results

Cambridge, MA, USA
Hpu willie jolley

Willie Jolley

Dr. Willie Jolley - Cavett Award Acceptance Speech

Washington, DC, USA
David horowitz

David Horowitz

Denver, CO, USA
Billie holiday

Girls Choir of Harlem

New York, NY, USA
Rh sd 4858 final small

Sampson Davis, M.D.

Newark, NJ, USA
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