Top choice

Gayle Jennings-O'Byrne

Gayle Jennings-O'Byrne - 2021 Tri-Delta Woman of Achievement Winner

New York, NY, USA
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Dr. Jessica Sharp

Houston, TX, USA
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Sean Sherman

Minneapolis, MN, USA
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Dr. Claudia Espinosa

New York, NY, USA
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Shelley Moore

Shifting to Strength-Based and Inclusive IEPeas

Vancouver, Canada
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Mariah Parker

Athens, GA, USA

Arthur Garrison

Philadelphia, PA, USA
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Marki Lemons

Chicago, IL, USA
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Dr. Mindy Thompson Fullilove

New York, NY, USA
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Daniel Sarpong

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Rosa Clemente

Albany, NY, USA
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Gino Perrotte

New York, NY, USA
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Dr. Kristen Donnelly

The Culture of Burnout: Why Your Exhaustion is Not Your Fault

Philadelphia, PA, USA
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Brett Francis

Saskatchewan, Canada
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Garth Graham

Dr Garth Graham - Global Governance Project

Hartford, CT, USA
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Gabriella Poczo

Kaizen Revenue Gabriella Poczo

San Antonio, TX, USA

Beena Ammanath

San Francisco, CA, USA
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Brianna Wu

Boston, MA, USA
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Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III

Preach!: The Power and Purpose Behind Our Praise

Chicago, IL, USA
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Derrick Johnson

Jackson, MS, USA
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