Displaying all 10 speakers
030624 kanya balakrishna aae headshot

Kanya Balakrishna

New York, NY, USA
Jonathan bergmann 4bcc8e6d 19a6 4d35 84b5 0a184b97815 resize 750

Jon Bergmann

Introduction to Flipped Learning

Chicago, IL, USA
S6uhnyht 400x400

Zainab Salbi

New York, NY, USA
052521 malala yousafzai aae headshot

Malala Yousafzai

Birmingham, UK
Pearl arredondo

Pearl Arredondo

Full Frame: Education and Technology with Pearl Arredondo ...

Los Angeles, CA, USA
090121 michelle rhee aae headshot

Michelle Rhee

Washington, DC, USA
051319 richard rothstein aae headshot

Richard Rothstein

San Francisco, CA, USA
Richard elmore 315

Richard Elmore

Cambridge, MA, USA
81u6o5ba cl. uy200

Mary Ehrenworth

New York, NY, USA
20130828 coreknowledge109

Linda Bevilacqua

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