013123 amand beard aae headshot

Amanda Beard

Seattle, WA, USA
Sherman alexie

Sherman Alexie

Seattle, WA, USA
Bill gates 1

Bill Gates

Source Code: My Beginnings

Seattle, WA, USA
Trish millines dziko headshot

Trish Millines Dziko

Seattle, WA, USA
Melinda gates h

Melinda French Gates

Seattle, WA, USA
Sp18134 0

Jennifer James

Washington, USA
64f07b35 04bb 429b a1a8 72567fc7dc5a 1109x1109

James McLurkin

Seattle, WA, USA
Image0v1 320xx1075 1613 68 0

Amy Bohutinsky

Seattle, WA, USA

Audrey Watters

Seattle, WA, USA
Paul figueroa 2011 04 28 00 43 59

Paul Figueroa

Seattle, WA, USA
G. ross1

Gyasi Ross

Seattle, WA, USA
Charlene strong

Charlene Strong

Washington, USA
Innovation speaker and author braden kelley

Braden Kelley

Seattle, WA, USA
Eugene capon professional

Eugene Capon

Seattle, WA, USA
Christopher cerf 61st writers guild awards 129107

Christopher Cerf

Seattle, WA, USA
Claudia 20costin  20hi res

Claudia Costin

Washington, USA
Ryancalo 8 2 1

Ryan Calo

Seattle, WA, USA
Chapclark2011 sm

Dr. Chap Clark

Seattle, WA, USA
Jessyn farrell 46

Jessyn Farrell

Jessyn Farrell: Seattle Mayoral interview at the Cloud Room

Seattle, WA, USA
071618 tom vander ark aae headshot min

Tom Vander Ark

Seattle, WA, USA
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