Displaying 1 - 20 of 185 speakers
Andrewbusch2023 1024x768

Andrew Busch

Charlotte, NC, USA
20220506   headshot

Jason Schenker

Austin, TX, USA
Barnes 1

Melody Barnes

Washington, DC, USA
Headshot martinez 0319

Governor Susana Martinez

Albuquerque, NM, USA

Adam Nash

Los Altos, CA, USA

Herman B. Leonard


Christian H.M. Ketels


Chris Larsen

San Francisco, CA, USA
Dave hanley e1440541846368 178x178

Dave Hanley

Seattle, WA, USA
Matt miller1 press

Matt Miller

Pacific Palisades, CA, USA
220px michelle bachelet foto campa c3 b1a  28recortada 29

Michelle Bachelet

Santiago, Chile

Tsai Ing-wen

Taipei, Taiwan
Karin kimbrough chief economist linkedinfounder and ceo roseryan svbj 021621 1200xx3900 2194 0 203

Karin Kimbrough

San Francisco, CA, USA

David Cutler

Boston, MA, USA
Richard wolffe headshot

Richard Wolffe

Washington, DC, USA
Judge maya chorengel 1

Maya Chorengel

San Francisco, CA, USA
A company can create more value by focusing on two core factors instead of multiple projects felix oberholzer gee

Felix Oberholzer-Gee

Boston, MA, USA
1200px new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern in 2018

The Rt. Hon. Dame Jacinda Ardern

Auckland, New Zealand
Katietelford nac macleanslive v2  large

Katie Telford

Ottawa, Canada
Yanis 2  1

Yanis Varoufakis

Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up | Yanis ...

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