Jony ive

Jonathan Ive

Cupertino, CA, USA
091724 cassie kozyrkov aae headshot

Cassie Kozyrkov

What is Decision Science? (with Cassie Kozyrkov)

New York, NY, USA
042622 beth comstock aae headshot

Beth Comstock

New York, NY, USA
Peterdiamandis headshot

Peter Diamandis

Peter Diamandis - Longevity Summit Dublin

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Annie duke

Annie Duke

What poker pro Annie Duke can teach you about quitting on time

Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ian siegel2

Ian Siegel

Ian Siegel on how today’s workforce benefits job seekers

Los Angeles, CA, USA
032224 richardflorida aae headshot 3 credzanetti

Richard Florida

Toronto, Canada
61bc14d255a4607bac98b8a6 institute 20fellow 20nick 20bostrom

Nick Bostrom

Oxford, UK
081423 mitch lowe aae headshot

Mitch Lowe

Watch and Learn: How I Turned Hollywood Upside Down with Netflix, Redbox, and MoviePass...

San Francisco, CA, USA
Timnit gebru courtesy

Timnit Gebru

Stanford, CA, USA
Vfhndih90iigjrmpa0qf52afj5848610 final2

Dr. Rumman Chowdhury

London, UK
Linda high res

Linda Bernardi

Linda Bernardi - Professional Speaker | Disruptor | Tech Entrepreneur

Seattle, WA, USA
Alx9y7kt 400x400

Allie K. Miller

New York, NY, USA
070824 ram charan aae headshot

Ram Charan

Why organizations fail at Digital Transformation: Dr. Ram Charan

Addison, TX, USA
About page jpg scaled

Ozan Varol

Awaken Your Genius by Ozan Varol

Portland, OR, USA
Channels4 profile

Fred Kofman

Difficult Conversations with Fred Kofman

Mountain View, CA, USA
Kr wkdtf 400x400

Simone Giertz

San Francisco, CA, USA

Anthony Di Iorio

Crypto Explained for Teens by Co-Founder of Ethereum

Toronto, Canada
Keyu jin

Keyu Jin

The New China Playbook: Beyond Socialism and Capitalism

London, UK
Mathew ball profile 02

Matthew Ball

The Metaverse: Fully Revised and Updated Edition: Building the Spatial Internet

Miami Beach, FL, USA
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