Edgar perez

Edgar Perez

New York, NY, USA
070824 ram charan aae headshot

Ram Charan

Why organizations fail at Digital Transformation: Dr. Ram Charan

Addison, TX, USA
Kr wkdtf 400x400

Simone Giertz

San Francisco, CA, USA
Avi rubin

Avi Rubin

Baltimore, MD, USA
Anna deavere smith

Anna Deavere Smith

New York, NY, USA
111324 richie etwaru aae headshot2

Richie Etwaru

The Incrementalist: Blockchain in Healthcare with Richie Etwaru

New York, NY, USA
Sterling hawkins headshot 1

Sterling Hawkins

How To Use Your Problems As Your Path Forward

Denver, CO, USA
1  ffkxowfdhhcfsfkvmdxsw

Laura Putnam

Live with Guy Kawasaki: What Gives You Hope

San Francisco, CA, USA
Timnit gebru courtesy

Timnit Gebru

Stanford, CA, USA
111623 safiya noble aae headshot

Safiya Noble

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tonya evans featured 2

Tonya M. Evans

Pennsylvania, USA
10 crystal kadakia 1500

Crystal Kadakia

Social Equations: The STEM Professional's User Guide to Building Positive Relationships

Atlanta, GA, USA
082923 asha saxena aae headshot

Asha Saxena

New York, NY, USA
Tk headshot 400x400

Tom Koulopoulos

PCI SSC 2024 North America Community Meeting Keynote - Tom Koulopoulos

Boston, MA, USA

Marco Tempest

New York, NY, USA
100523 andrew mcafee aae headshot

Andrew McAfee

Boston, MA, USA
Kollerdaphneinsitro23e1344hires 1200xx3674 3674 0 0

Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller | Sana

Stanford, CA, USA
070124 scott klososky aae headshot

Scott Klososky

Oklahoma, USA
Ramez naam

Ramez Naam

Seattle, WA, USA
040224 jonathan foley aae headshot

Dr. Jonathan Foley

The Problem With Food & Climate - & How To Fix It | Jonathan Foley | TED

Minneapolis, MN, USA
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