
Sherry Lansing

Sherry Lansing on Why Adele Is Perfect Recipient of Her Namesake Award

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Greg Louganis

Malibu, CA, USA
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Daniel Kraft, M.D.

Keynote on The Future of Health & Medicine

Stanford, CA, USA
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Katty Kay

Washington, DC, USA
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Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller | Sana

Stanford, CA, USA
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Monica Lewinsky

New York, NY, USA
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Mark Ballas

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Dr. Tererai Trent

Fort Smith, AR, USA
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Patrick Kennedy

New Jersey, USA
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Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

The Neuroanatomical Transformation of the Teenage Brain | TEDx

Bloomington, IN, USA
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Herman "Herm" Edwards

Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Josh Peck

We got a SITUATION! with Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Natasha Lyonne

New York, NY, USA
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Dan Barber

New York, NY, USA
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Dean Kamen

Inventor Dean Kamen explains importance of manufacturing cells

Bedford, NH, USA
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Amy Robach

New York, NY, USA
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Herschel Walker

Dallas, TX, USA
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Richard Blais

Richard Blais' Journey to Becoming Top Chef | Top Chef: The Journey

Atlanta, GA, USA

Dan Harris

New York, NY, USA
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Dave Winfield

California, USA
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