Displaying 41 - 60 of 132 speakers
Aif23 reich rob

Rob Reich

Stanford, CA, USA
6495be653d01179bcac91873 amber case 2023 headshots 20copy p 500

Amber Case

Portland, OR, USA
G n3eazo 400x400

Adrian Weller

Cambridge, UK
768x432 richard van hooijdonk de overheid.6511310e1f287

Richard van Hooijdonk

Richard van Hooijdonk: The Hyperactive Futurist - YouTube

Utrecht, Netherlands

Damon Horowitz

New York, NY, USA
Tia white

Tia White

McLean, VA, USA
Hiroshi ishiguro egen2019 iafor 1100x733

Hiroshi Ishiguro

Osaka, Japan
Fnl tim hwang

Timothy Hwang

Washington, DC, USA
082923 asha saxena aae headshot

Asha Saxena

New York, NY, USA
D g fk6d 400x400

Jules Walter

Leveraging mentors to uplevel your career | Jules Walter

San Francisco, CA, USA

Pascal Bornet

San Francisco, CA, USA
Scott amyx standing with arms crossed with gray background  1

Scott Amyx

New York, NY, USA
Neural net box default square chalkboard

Janelle Shane

Boulder, CO, USA
Gianluca mauro   portrait dark bg.jpg

Gianluca Mauro

Copenhagen, Denmark
Fullsizeoutput 13

Susan Schneider

AI, Radical Brain Enhancement and the Nature of Consciousness

Washington, DC, USA
Kollerdaphneinsitro23e1344hires 1200xx3674 3674 0 0

Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller | Sana

Stanford, CA, USA
020124 zack kass aae headshot

Zack Kass

Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Mike Walsh

New York, NY, USA

Jon Krohn

Deep Learning Illustrated: A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence (Addi...

Faye cobb

Fay Cobb Payton, PhD

Raleigh, NC, USA
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