Displaying 1 - 20 of 108 speakers
Karen palmer

Karen Palmer

Karen Palmer - Tech Futurist, Expert on Machine Learning Bias, AI

London, UK
022224 ian beacraft aae headshot

Ian Beacraft

Chicago, IL, USA

Sharon Gai

AI Speaker Series - Sharon Gai on Vimeo

New York, NY, USA
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Allie K. Miller

New York, NY, USA

Cathy Hackl

Washington, DC, USA
091624 cristina criddle aae headshot

Cristina Criddle

Cristina Criddle Showreel Keynote Speaker

San Francisco, CA, USA
112223 avery akkineni aae headshot

Avery Akkineni

Miami, FL, USA

Katia Dean

How To Tailor Your Resume For Tech Jobs Feat. Katia Dean

Ashburn, VA, USA
Orange erica 21

Erica Orange

Keynote: Erica Orange

New York, NY, USA
Andrewgordon dneg

Andrew Gordon

London, UK
Mathew ball profile 02

Matthew Ball

The Metaverse: Fully Revised and Updated Edition: Building the Spatial Internet

Miami Beach, FL, USA
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Jonathan Herman

Miami Beach, FL, USA
Portrait tim cortinovis ii

Tim Cortinovis

Hamburg, Germany
Sly lee crop 1

Sly Lee

Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Refik anadol

Refik Anadol

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Kate O'Neill

Kate O'Neill, the Tech Humanist - virtual keynote speaking reel

New York, NY, USA
011822 george bloom aae headshot

George Bloom

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Charlie Fink

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Eve logunova parker   eve logunova

Eve Logunova-Parker

Atlanta, GA, USA

Cortney Harding

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