President Speakers Tag: President Tag: President-and-ceo
Displaying 41 - 60 of 201 speakers

David Kratz
New York, NY, USA

Johnny Ferraro
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Walt Bettinger
The Industrialist's Dilemma | Stanford School of Business Interview
San Francisco, CA, USA

Guy Cormier
Montreal, Canada

Richard Brodhead
Durham, NC, USA

Dorothy Savarese
Barnstable County, MA, USA

Fernando Valenzuela
Mexico City, Mexico

Scotty Sanders
Dallas, TX, USA
Robin Fisher Roffer
Santa Fe, NM, USA

Aydin Senkut
Palo Alto, CA, USA

Thomas Priselac
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Sahle-Work Zewde

Stephen Caldeira
Washington, DC, USA

Jim Campbell
Oak Ridge, TN, USA

Peter Duncan
Houston, TX, USA

David Rhodes
New York, NY, USA

Dr. Ruth Simmons
Houston, TX, USA

Jillian Manus
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