Speakers Related to Jalak Jobanputra Related to Jalak Jobanputra


Viola Llewellyn

Washington, DC, USA
080924 wendy de la rosa aae headshot

Wendy De La Rosa

Haverford, PA, USA

Sallie Krawcheck

New York, NY, USA
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Dambisa Moyo

London, UK
072324 angel rich aae headshot

Angel Rich

Washington, DC, USA
102523 perianne boring aae headshot

Perianne Boring

Washington, DC, USA

Gillian Muessig

Seattle, WA, USA
081524 ayesha khanna aae headshot

Ayesha Khanna


Esther Dyson

New York, NY, USA
Tonya evans featured 2

Tonya M. Evans

Pennsylvania, USA

Bettina Warburg

San Francisco, CA, USA

Blythe Masters

New York, NY, USA
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Eileen Burbidge

London, UK
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Clara Shih

San Francisco, CA, USA
Maddy bio3

Maddy Dychtwald

San Francisco, CA, USA

Angela Ceresnie

New York, NY, USA
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Samantha Radocchia

New York, NY, USA
Christina e1518028085602

Christina Qi

Boston, MA, USA
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Richie Etwaru

The Incrementalist: Blockchain in Healthcare with Richie Etwaru

New York, NY, USA

Leslie Dodson

Boulder, CO, USA

Sarah Lacy

San Francisco, CA, USA
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Jacqueline Novogratz

New York, NY, USA

Katia Dean

How To Tailor Your Resume For Tech Jobs Feat. Katia Dean

Ashburn, VA, USA
Hester peirce sec

Hester Peirce

Washington, DC, USA
061724 jason j sosa aae headshot

Jason J. Sosa

Jason Sosa on The Darker Sides of Technology, Deep Fakes & Privacy

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Sylvia Acevedo

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
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Peter Smith

London, UK
Amy jo martin   headshot 2024  square for web

Amy Jo Martin

Amy Jo Martin - How to Humanize Your Brand?

Austin, TX, USA

Jean Case

Washington, DC, USA
042524 tiffany shlain aae headshot

Tiffany Shlain

San Francisco, CA, USA
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