Speakers Related to Michael C. Hawkins, PhD Related to Michael C. Hawkins, PhD

Restitution and repatriation professor dh 1200 896

Erin L. Thompson

Terrorists and Archeologists: How the Past Belongs to the Present | TEDx

New York, NY, USA
121322 alaina e roberts aae headshot

Alaina E. Roberts

Pittsburgh, PA, USA
20211109 ilan wurman 184

Ilan Wurman

Arizona, USA
Nolan pic   nolan higdon

Nolan Higdon

How is the Media Making You Fight? | Nolan Higdon & Mickey Huff ...

San Francisco, CA, USA
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Nik Bhatia

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Aaron ahuvia

Aaron Ahuvia

Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Caleb.gayle  682x682 1

Caleb Gayle

Boston, MA, USA

Lisa Nunn

San Diego, CA, USA
Roosevelt montas

Roosevelt Montás

New York, NY, USA
Ellie abdi

Ellie Abdi

New Jersey, USA
11330 melissa l. cooper 2022 02 04

Melissa L. Cooper


Michèle Root-Bernstein, Ph.D.

East Lansing, MI, USA

Julie Smith

St. Louis, MO, USA
1801 davidgushee cismith 138 2

David P. Gushee

Atlanta, GA, USA
071823 tania israel aae headshot

Tania Israel

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
020723 kristin du mez aae headshot

Kristin Du Mez

Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Sharon delaney mccloud headshot

Sharon Delaney McCloud

Sharon Delaney McCloud: Emmy-winning Journalist, Cancer Survivor

Raleigh, NC, USA
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Christine Walker, MPPA

Chicago, IL, USA

Amelia Nagoski

New England, USA
Jager 1

Eric Jager

Los Angeles, CA, USA
021023 michele bratcher goodwin aae headshot

Michele Bratcher Goodwin

Washington, DC, USA
020823 h.w. brands aae headshot

H.W. Brands

Austin, TX, USA

Sayantani DasGupta

080824 akhil amar aae headshot

Akhil Amar

The Words That Made Us: America's Constitutional Conversation, 1760-1840

New Haven, CT, USA
050323 jeffrey rosen aae headshot

Jeffrey Rosen

Conversations with RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Life, Love, Liberty, and Law

Washington, DC, USA

Bob 'Robert' Mann

Baton Rouge, LA, USA
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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Professor Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss ...

Oxford, UK

Juan Williams

Washington, DC, USA
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Clifton L. Taulbert

Tulsa, OK, USA
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