Speakers Related to "Science Bob" Pflugfelder Related to "Science Bob" Pflugfelder

042522 mitch resnick aae headshot

Mitch Resnick

Cambridge, MA, USA

Tyler DeWitt

Cambridge, MA, USA
021723 linda darling hammond aae headshot

Linda Darling-Hammond

Stanford, CA, USA
Junior bernadin   junior bernadin

Junior Bernadin

Atlanta, GA, USA
Jonathan bergmann 4bcc8e6d 19a6 4d35 84b5 0a184b97815 resize 750

Jon Bergmann

Chicago, IL, USA

Gever Tulley

Montara, CA, USA
090619 kevin delaney aae headshot

Kevin Delaney

Little Rock, AR, USA
64b1b4c4d24e20bc6db77da8 michael 20bodekaer 20jensen

Michael Bodekaer Jensen

Kreis 1, Switzerland
082321 marla spivak aae headshot

Marla Spivak

Saint Paul, MN, USA
431959 10100107747854260 1955294413 n

Michael Stevens

London, UK
Ramseymusallam e1365033072901

Ramsey Musallam

San Francisco, CA, USA
Read montague mugshot 310

Read Montague

Blacksburg, VA, USA
Ranger nick and bog turtle

Dr. Nick "Ranger Nick" Fuhrman

Atlanta, GA, USA
020124 dr adolph brown aae headshot

Dr. Adolph Brown

Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Terry doyle image

Terry Doyle

Big Rapids, MI, USA
Bryanne 1

Bryanne Leeming

Boston, MA, USA

Penny Chisholm

Cambridge, MA, USA
Img 3034

Watson Hartsoe

Los Angeles, CA, USA
M archer low res big

Michael Archer

69fb164ee2094639f647599bbfc4dda282301480 254x191

David R. Dow

Houston, TX, USA

Jonathan Mooney

Normal Sucks

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Plait headshot

Dr. Phil Plait

Denver, CO, USA
081723 steve wozniak aae headshot

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak - UC Berkeley 2023 Commencement Speech

About alan november

Alan November

Boston, MA, USA
032723 baruti kafele aae headshot

Baruti K. Kafele

New Jersey, USA
Large 28667

Ian Jukes

Vancouver, Canada
Milton chen

Milton Chen

San Francisco, CA, USA

Joshua Stock

Olathe, KS, USA
Ann batenburg

Ann Batenburg

Dallas, TX, USA
Eric crouch

Eric Crouch

Seeing UDL in Action in the Classroom

Columbus, GA, USA
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