Speakers Related to Vicki Hoefle Related to Vicki Hoefle

Linda ellerbee

Linda Ellerbee

New York, NY, USA
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Linnda Durre, Ph.D.

Orlando, FL, USA
021723 linda darling hammond aae headshot

Linda Darling-Hammond

Stanford, CA, USA
Lizwiseman e1487186700600 1080x675

Liz Wiseman

Menlo Park, CA, USA
052024 connie podesta aae headshot

Connie Podesta

Texas, USA
Charles petty 2010 05 07 22 21 54

Charles Petty

Durham, NC, USA
102723 mayim bialik aae headshot

Mayim Bialik

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Jodee Blanco

Bullied Kids Speak Out: We Survived--How You Can Too

Chicago, IL, USA
John wood

John Wood

San Diego, CA, USA

Laura Sessions Stepp


Jane Handly

North Carolina, USA

Rosalind Wiseman

Boulder, CO, USA

Erik Wahl

San Diego, CA, USA
Janine turner scaled 1

Janine Turner

Texas, USA
Chi ugc relatedphoto benedictine hosts author activist and former 2013 10 23

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

090922 rachel simmons aae headshot

Rachel Simmons

Northampton, MA, USA

Vicki Sanderson

Texas, USA
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Victoria Rowell

Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva: A Novel

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Dean phylicia rashad1 1 20

Phylicia Rashad

Full interview: Phylicia Rashad

Washington, DC, USA

Dave Pelzer

Return to the River: Reflections on Life Choices During a Pandemic

San Francisco, CA, USA

Cynthia Nixon

New York, NY, USA
Susan neuman

Susan B. Neuman

San Diego, CA, USA
Renee parenteau2

Shannon Miller

Jacksonville, FL, USA

Tonya Lewis Lee

New York, NY, USA
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Jennifer James

Washington, USA
Kathy ireland

Kathy Ireland

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
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Erin Gruwell

Long Beach, CA, USA
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Temple Grandin

Keynote: Dr. Temple Grandin - YouTube

Fort Collins, CO, USA
072924 america ferrera aae headshot

America Ferrera

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Marian Wright Edelman

Washington, DC, USA
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