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Adam Christing      

Master of Ceremonies, Interactive Comedian & Keynote Speaker

Adam Christing works with organizations who want to experience how the magic of laughter can open doors and hearts in business and in life. ExxonMobil executive Mark Green dubbed him the “Tom Brady of Emcees.” Adam has delighted corporate, association, and nonprofit audiences in 49 of the 50 United States, Canada, Europe, and China. He received the Best of Los Angeles Award as the #1 Event Master of Ceremonies. Adam has been ranked among the top 5 Entertaining Speakers in North America. His mission: “To make your event extraordinary.”

He has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and NBC Nightly News. He's also been featured in national publications like Meeting Magazine’s Corporate & Incentive Travel, USA Today, FORTUNE, and The New York Times. He is the author of three personal growth and humor books published by Random House and Markin Books. His forthcoming book is called "We Got You: Gather Your Group, Galvanize Your People, Grow Your Results." Adam holds a degree in public speaking and is a performing member of the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA.

Speech Topics

You Can Do Magic!

Get ready for your group to feel engaged, entertained, and empowered.

In this inspiring (and FUN) program, Adam combines interactive magic with super-practical takeaways for increasing productivity.

Unlock the 5 Secrets for personal and professional success.

MAGIC is a memorable acronym:

  • Mission: The power of working on purpose
  • Action: The magic of momentum
  • Giving: How to create extraordinary experiences for people
  • Imagination: Tap into the most remarkable human ability
  • Collaboration: The impact of what we can accomplish together

This keynote is perfect for celebrating your people, increasing team camaraderie, and boosting personal productivity.

We Got You

Meetings matter.

This keynote is based on Adam’s forthcoming book, "We Got You: Gather Your People, Galvanize Your Group, Grow Your Results." This message will super-charge your meeting and inspire your attendees.


  • How to bring your people together to rally around your org’s vision
  • How to stoke the potential and performance of your team
  • How to foster a healthy work environment while increasing productivity (even remotely!)

This presentation is full of useful takeaways that will propel your group toward a positive future. Your team is better together.

Adam holds a degree in public and organizational communication. He has been ranked among the top five entertaining speakers in North America. We Got You is based on his experience with more than 4,000 audiences and hundreds of the most successful organizations in the world.

Unleash the power of your people!

Laugh for a Change

Harness the power of positive humor!

Medical science has proven the truth of the old proverb, “Laughter is the best medicine.”

This keynote will help your people feel more playful, powerful, and productive.

Adam will give your group the gift of laughter. And… Your audience will learn a powerful formula to inspire both laughter and life-change:


  • Surprise: Delight people with unexpected moments they will long remember.
  • Magnify: Exaggerate situations and make problems feel fun (and manageable).
  • Inside Jokes: Create shared experiences that promote positive memories.
  • Language: Engage in the wonderful world of wordplay.
  • Echo: Unlock the power of the “call back.”

Adam blends interactive FUN with customized content to demonstrate how healthy humor can enhance your work, relationships, and mental health.

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