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Amy Silverstein  

Author, Heart Transplant Advocate, UNOS Board Member

Author and attorney Amy Silverstein has faced extraordinary health challenges from a young age. Discovered during her time as a Phi Beta Kappa student at NYU Law, her failing heart necessitated a transplant at age 25. Her first transplant sustained her for an impressive twenty-six years, far surpassing the initial expectations.

In 2007, Silverstein shared her experiences in "Sick Girl," a memoir that won the Books for a Better Life award and was a finalist for the Borders Original Voices award. The memoir was notably serialized by US News & World Report, garnering a significant reader response. Her later work, "My Glory Was I Had Such Friends," explores the profound impact of friendship and support through her health battles, and was adapted into a limited TV-series on Apple+ starring Jennifer Garner.

Silverstein's contributions extend beyond her writing. She has served on the board of the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS), advocating for patient rights and healthcare improvements. Her articles have appeared in SELF, Prevention, and Glamour magazines, further highlighting her commitment to advocating for women's health and patient rights. Based in New York City, Silverstein continues to engage audiences nationwide, speaking on topics such as heart health, women's health, and the law, demonstrating how resilience and support can triumph in the face of daunting challenges.

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