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Anders Moller  


A Serial Entrepreneur, with a background in both business and philosophy, always playing around with new ideas challenging status quo.

In 2009 a central speaker at the largest Danish Youth Party, but became bored with the trivial game of modern politics. Since my goal has been to find better ways to develop society.

Three examples:

I founded Bangura (2011) in collaboration with tailors in Sierra Leone, producing handmade bags out of used bicycle tubes creating value, willpower and a sustainable future for the local community.

I co-founded Grasp Magazine (2012), which is a journalistic incubator and media outlet, with a global network of correspondents and media partners, exploring new ways of grasping business potential.

I cofounded the organization Democracy Storm (2013), making public events, conferences and opeds focused on innovating Democracy to fit the 21st century.

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