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Andrea Parker      

Former Detective; Co-Founder @fun.x.perience & Co-Host of WTF: Where’s the Fun Podcast

Andrea Parker is a seasoned professional speaker and business coach whose experience spans multiple sectors. Parker's career took root in law enforcement, where she served as a police detective for over a decade. This period not only honed her investigative skills but also cultivated a profound sense of empathy and understanding towards a variety of individuals and situations. Her transition into entrepreneurship was a seamless one, leveraging her unique experiences to cultivate a successful business.

Parker's coaching portfolio is as diverse as it is impressive. It boasts of influential figures including leaders of multi-million dollar businesses, transformational speakers, holistic doctors, professional athletes, and Emmy-award-winning producers. Through her coaching, she has made a significant impact in the lives of these individuals, helping them integrate joy into their personal and professional lives.

Speech Topics

The F Word: Life and Business Get to be FUN!

In today’s fast-paced, high-achieving world, too many people are thinking their way through business and personal growth instead of feeling it.

They’re stuck in a cycle of ticking off boxes, following outdated definitions of success, and operating from subconscious “shoulds” and obligations.

The result? These outdated approaches lead to burnout, poor health, and strained relationships—and that’s bad news for business. But what if you could leave behind people-pleasing, high-stress, and perfectionism to create more freedom and fulfillment in your business? What if business was more fun?!

Andrea invites attendees to start asking possibility-focused questions that shift their mindset and energy so they leave feeling expansive, elevated, and genuinely excited to take meaningful action, achieve better and more sustainable results, and show up more present and resilient than before. It’s the new way of doing business.

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