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Azie Tesfai          

Founder of Fortuned Culture, philanthropist and actress known for role of Nadine on "Jane the Virgin"

Azie Tesfai is an Eritrean American philanthropic entrepreneur. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley.

While Azie was raised in Los Angeles, she traveled back to Africa to visit family that still lives in Eritrea and Ethiopia. In many ways, her multinational upbringing and heightened sense of awareness informed the decision to start Fortuned Culture.

Being from a third world country, Azie hopes to highlight the positive and negative realities of peoples that are otherwise wrongly represented. It is her vision to use Fortuned Culture's jewelry pieces as a representation of those realities, with a focus on featuring rich cultural backgrounds, creating happiness, inspiring hope and provoking change.

Azie is also an actress, known for Wicked "Wicked Games," "15 Minutes," "Sands of Oblivion" and "Jane the Virgin."

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