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Barbara Glanz, CSP, CPAE, works with organizations that want to improve morale, retention, and service and with people who want to rediscover the joy in their work and in their lives. She is the author of twelve bestselling “how-to” books, including "The Simple Truths of Service—Inspired by Johnny the Bagger," co-authored with Ken Blanchard, and "Building Customer Loyalty: How YOU Can Help Keep Customers Returning."
Glanz is known as “the business speaker who speaks to your heart as well as to your head.” Her international reach is extensive, having presented on all seven continents and in all 50 states. She is recognized for her expertise in change management, employee engagement, and customer service, consistently providing valuable insights and strategies in her presentations.
More than just an exciting speaker, consultant, and author, Glanz has three additional “claims to fame”: her great-grandfather laid the cornerstone where the four states come together (Page, Arizona, is named after him); she played the piano on the TV show “Talent Sprouts”; and she directed David Hasselhoff in his first high school play. Glanz lives and breathes her personal motto, “Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm™.” She has been featured on major media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX-TV, and CNBC, and her work has been covered in print and on radio nationwide.
Speech Topics
handle the constant changes in their work and lives. They are exhausted, confused and ticked off! Resistance to change, we have discovered, is not about the head as much as the heart, less about facts than it is about feelings. Workers must learn not only to manage the processes of change but also the emotional aspects of dealing with change.
In order for people to move forward, they must learn to let go of the old ways and adjust to new ways of work and life. This practical, inspiring presentation will help people better understand the change process as well as their feelings in the midst of change. It will include coping mechanisms and a CONTROL INVENTORY™ to use as a strategic, concrete tool to manage change and to help them gain more control and perform at a higher level in a dynamic work environment.
As we become more technologically advanced, busier. and more stressed than ever before, we often don’t even notice the opportunities around us every day to be kind. Our workplaces, our cities, and our homes are in desperate need of more simple kindness and caring, and amazingly, research shows that every one act of kindness leads to four more. Come and learn an acronym for KIND* to awaken you to those chances to make a small difference in someone’s day: K = Kinesthetic I = Imaginative N = Neighborly D = Deliberate © Flasko & Glanz, 2017. All Rights Reserved. From the CEO to the frontline worker, you will leave with many inspirational, concrete and simple ways to change your culture and your lives to ones of kindness and caring. Not only will it impact your organization’s bottom line, but it will also add more purpose and joy to each day of your life and the lives of others with whom you interact.
Based on an unforgettable story about a young man with Down Syndrome who changed the culture of an entire organization by being creative and giving the customers more than they expected, this program presents ten simple truths of service that will help organizations and individuals become more customer-focused, both internally and externally. With her unique combination of content and heart, Barbara will share research, stories, models, and action ideas based on these ten simple truths to encourage each person that he/she can make a difference every single day!
NOTE: This session can be customized for leaders, employees, or an entire organization
Customer care, both internal and external, is the key to survival for organizations today. Not only must organizations acquire new employees and customers, but more importantly, they must keep the old ones. Research shows that it costs at least five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to retain an existing one, and the same is true for good employees. It becomes essential, then, for each individual in an organization, including those in the public sector, to understand the service attributes that create customer and employee loyalty. Participants will learn amazing statistics about why customers leave or speak badly of your organization, models for evaluating every interaction, the four things all customers want, the difference between core service and customer service, and what the research has shown creates loyal customers.
In these tough economic times of having to do more with less, it is critical to find other ways besides money to keep employees engaged. Sixty-five percent of American workers said they received NO appreciation all last year for the good work they had done, yet the second most important thing people want from their jobs is full appreciation. In this inspiring session Barbara will share ten simple truths of appreciation as well as dozens of creative ways, at little or no cost, to keep employees happy and productive and which they can immediately apply in their work and in their lives. The beauty of appreciation is that we can each give it to anyone we choose for no cost except our awareness and a few moments of our time.
(For Leaders or All Employees ) Current research shows that only about 12 to 15% of American workers are giving their very best to their jobs. 8 to 10% are burned out with no life. However, that leaves 75 – 80% of our workforce who are just doing enough to get by. Just imagine what could happen to the productivity in your workplace if you could inspire those workers to do their very best!
Raise morale, reduce turnover, increase productivity, and have more fun at work – the wonderful news is that all this can occur in your workplace with very little cost. In this presentation you will learn how to create a work environment where people treat one another like valuable human beings with a sense of mission that their work is important and where appreciation and joy are present, no matter how serious the work may be.
Barbara will provide dozens of real-life, creative, low cost, immediately applicable ideas you can implement in your own workplace using the acronym CARE:
C = Creative Communication A = Atmosphere and Appreciation for All R = Respect and Reason for Being E = Empathy and Enthusiasm
She will spread her “contagious enthusiasm” to maximize personal productivity and organizational success, and each participant will leave with a powerful understanding of the difference he or she can make every single day!
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