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Bill Rosemann      

Creative Director at Marvel and Marvel Games, Legendary Comics Publisher

During his 20+ years in the world of super heroes, Marvel and Marvel Games Creative Director Bill Rosemann has been a journalist, copywriter, script writer, Your Man @ Marvel blogger, marketing director, editor and Marvel ambassador. Bill is now oversees all content produced by Marvel Custom Solutions and also guides several of the company’s key series, including Stephen King’s The Dark Tower, Disney Kingdoms, and all titles based on Marvels’ cinematic universe.

During his many years editing comics, Bill collaborated with the industry’s top talents on characters such as Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, the Avengers, and also co-created and launched the 2008 Guardians of The Galaxy series, which writer/director James Gunn used as the source material and inspiration for Marvel's #1 Summer smash hit movie that has so far grossed more than $700 million worldwide.

Speech Topics

Unleash Your Inner Superhero

What key traits define a superhero? What can these colorful crime-fighters teach us about leadership, creativity and responsibility? How can you be the savior of your own story? Twenty-year comic book industry vet Bill Rosemann shares his insider insights from the iconic world of Marvel that will inspire you to recognize and unleash your inner superhero.

Marvel: Inside the World's Most Heroic Brand

What is the behind-the-scenes history of Marvel? Who are their top ten characters and how are their creators using them to comment on modern life? How can you be the hero of your own story? What lessons can you learn from Marvel's heroes and apply to your own situation? Campus speaker Bill Rosemann shares exclusive insider insights and inspirations from the iconic world of Marvel Comics that reveal how you can pursue your dreams and turn your passion into a career.


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