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Blake Williams    

Retired NFL Coach; Super Bowl Champion; Entrepreneur; Wealth Manager; Media Host & CEO of Championship Coaching & Consulting

Blake Williams, Princeton University graduate and Ivy League champion, is no stranger to unlocking the potential of high performing individuals and organizations. With over 15 years of coaching experience in the NFL, Blake played a pivotal role in leading teams to success, culminating in a Super Bowl victory. Known for his strategic mindset and ability to bring out the best in others, Blake transitioned his expertise into the entrepreneurial world in the finance, tech, media and consulting spaces. Blake runs multiple companies including being a partner at Lakefront Capital, a prestigious wealth management firm based in Cleveland, Host of the Come Get Some TV show and Pod on the BigPlay Network, Public Speaker and CEO of Championship Coaching & Consulting.

Speech Topics

Transformational Leadership & Reality Creation

We live in a time where the need for the skills required for transformational leadership are at an all-time high. As many of the bedrock institutions of western society (family, education, government, religion, etc) have lost some luster from previous generations, and blindly saluting the hierarchical structures has gone by the wayside, the question "Why?" has become preeminent. Why should I listen to you? Why should I follow you? Why should I respect or trust you? Why are YOU the leader? Why and how does it impact and benefit me to buy-in and follow? Why should we hire YOU to lead? Why and how are you going to be different than your predecessor? The value & ultimate success of leaders is in direct correlation to their ability to successfully convince those they lead and answer to that they are the person for the job in any environment or problem they may be posed with.

Make no mistake, leaders are in the reality creation business, and we will talk about and explore the 4 Main tools of transformational leaders (through both a historical lens & personal anecdote):

  • Enactment
  • Empowerment
  • Paradigm Reframing
  • Problem Displacement

The Art of Leading Change: Transformational Leadership & Agents of Change

I have personally gotten (not had to) but gotten the honor of taking over leadership of some of the direst and historically dysfunctional organizations in the sports world at a historically young age. This speech looks at the actions, decisions and psychology of Agents of Change/Transformational leaders and how to lead through chaos and crisis.

Measuring People: Socializing performance metrics and decision-making analytics within a human organization

Humans are not machines. They have a natural tendency to fear, avoid or distrust what they don't understand, cannot see, or cannot control. As such, even the most successful and properly chosen business systems, be it Six-Sigma, BSC, Kaizen, KPI's or anything else are doomed to fail if they are not properly socialized into the fabric of the organization with education, proof, buy-in, empowerment and tapping into intrinsic motivation over carrot & stick. This speech looks at historical and personal anecdotal ways to do this. Leaning heavily on the anecdotal side which I have vast experience on.

It's Lonely at the Top

This speech looks at the prevailing concept or feeling that it's lonely at the top of leadership, and quickly moves beyond that in order to delve into what to do about it, and how to navigate it successfully.

Topics Include:

  • Self-Discipline and structure of great servant leaders.
  • Daily agenda & Ideal Calendar
  • Workout, diet, sleep.
  • Solo work outside of staff hours in order to be able to be people facing, crisis and conflict resolving and able to handle the unforeseen while never letting them see you sweat.

Making it Stick: Concept Learning & Concept Teaching for 21st century

This speech looks at learning, teaching, coaching and development across a multitude of spectrum, including neurodivergence, and assembles the newest data and debunks old urban legends in a way that is tangible and instantly usable for leaders/teachers/coaches in all industries.

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