Bob Berkowitz and Susan Yager- Berkowitz Headshot
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Bob Berkowitz and Susan Yager- Berkowitz  

Bob's career has ranged from being Senior White House Correspondent for CNN to the host of the highly rated CNBC show "Real Personal," a nightly look at America's attitudes on sexuality and relationships

Bob's career has ranged from being Senior White House Correspondent for CNN to the host of the highly rated CNBC show "Real Personal," a nightly look at America's attitudes on sexuality and relationships. He has also reported for ABC News and the Associated Press, and is currently the "Love Notes" advice columnist for "Complete Woman" magazine. He was the Men's Correspondent for NBC's "Today" show for three years, where he investigated men's problems. Bob was also a regular on the ABCTV show "The View," where he talked about men and relationships. He hosted a series of Web TV shows for, which explained men to women. These shows were based on his best-selling book: What Man Won't Tell You, But Women Need to Know. Dr. Berkowitz earned his Ph.D in Clinical Sexology at The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.

Susan's career as a professional writer follows years of success in retailing, where was president of Domestications, a home furnishings mail-order catalog, and executive vice-president of new catalog development for Hanover Direct. She also ran Susan Yager Consulting, a company that advised numerous major catalog retailers on the merchandising and creative aspects of their businesses. She has traveled a large portion of the globe sourcing and developing proprietary products.

Susan has written for a variety of magazines on food related topics, and is currently researching and writing the cultural history of weight loss



in America. She graduated from Hunter College at the age of nineteen with honors in psychology, and has a master's degree in Food Studies from New York University.

Bob and Susan have been married for 10 years, and have been together pretty much since the day they met 14 years ago. They are currently the "Marriage Experts" for

They live in New York City and on the East End of Long Island with Freddie and D.J., their two cats.


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