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Brooks Gibbs      

Award-Winning Resilience Educator, Social Psychologist, Author & Creator of BULLY PROOF: The Step by Step Program to End Bullying

Dr. Brooks Gibbs, a resilience educator with a PhD in Social Psychology, has made a significant impact in the realm of youth education. His focus on emotional resilience and adherence to the Golden Rule has resonated with young audiences, leading to his engagement by over 3,000 schools. Gibbs's teachings, which are outlined in high-energy keynote presentations, revolve around two core principles: not allowing oneself to be upset (Emotional Resilience) and treating every individual as a friend (The Golden Rule). His teachings have gained widespread visibility, with his educational videos being translated into 20 languages and viewed over 300 million times.

Throughout his career, Gibbs has shown a particular commitment to addressing online and offline non-criminal aggression. Through his teachings, he equips students with the skills to protect their emotions and seek adult intervention when needed. High school students, in particular, have shown a strong receptivity to Gibbs's methods. The impact of his work is evident in his belief that a widespread understanding of the reasons behind mean behavior and the tools to counteract it could lead to a significant reduction in reported bullying incidents. He is the author of "Love Is Greater Than Hate" and "Feeling Strong: The Student's Guide To Emotional Resilience."

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