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Carl D. MacBride  

Founder & President, International Research Specialists, Inc.; Life Insurance & Locating Missing Persons Expert

Born and educated in Canada, Carl attended Brock Un for business, marketing and merchandizing. He began his work career in retail with Woolco, quickly became their restructuring manager exceeding all company records throughout Canada.

He later joined Mutual of New York Life Insurance Company, (MONY LIFE) as a Life Underwriter. Within the first seven months he was among the top ten producers and remained there for the next five years, later becoming an Underwriting Agent Trainer. He continued taking additional College courses to obtain a number of credits and degrees as well as various insurance specialty courses at Geneva College including the LUATC and the industries prestigious C.L.U training.

After purchasing a Canadian based Private Investigation Co, then moved the business to USA to become affiliated with the Wackenhut Corp, now G4S (one of the world’s largest Security and Investigation Co). I.R.S. Inc. has been recognized internationally as the leader in locating Missing Persons/debtors, when Collection Agencies and other P. I. firms failed. He is the founder of International Research Specialists, Inc., (I.R.S.) “AKA People Locator Inc.”

In keeping with his quest for continued growth, he successfully negotiated on behalf of I.R.S. Inc., to acquire their client/asset list of the only recognizable competitor International Tracing. Since then, other business interests include partnership with FRIC (First Resolution Investment Corp.), and joint ventures with I.T.S. and PLI-International, to name a few.

MacBride has been a speaker, instructor and Life INS Trainer, attending more than 250 National, Regional and International Conferences. This includes conferences such as Student Loans, Child Support, Insurance, Automobile Finance, Consumer Lending, Credit Card, Collection Agencies, Private Investigations, Legal Networks and Recovery industry. “There is no one in Life Insurance, Financial or related industries better equipped to teach Best Practices of Life INS or Sales & Research Locate business. It’s time for him to share his Knowledge from the Best of the Best. Computers do not find people, skillful talented people with his creative methods to find virtually anyone can. He also developed an online teaching course to inform anyone how!”

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