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Carol O'Connor  

Carol O'Connor, a member of the Differentiated Instruction Cadre, is a dedicated educator with 25 years of experience working in public schools.

Carol O'Connor, a member of the Differentiated Instruction Cadre, is a dedicated educator with 25 years of experience working in public schools. Her experience includes 15 years as a classroom teacher and reading specialist at both the elementary and secondary levels. As a consulting teacher, O'Connor worked with students and teachers in kindergarten through 12th grade. An experienced staff developer, she has provided training and consultation to hundreds of schools on a variety of curriculum, instruction, and leadership topics.

Carol O'Connor has taught graduate level courses at Penn State University and Gratz College. She has presented at the Keystone State Reading Association Conference, Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference and the National Staff Development Conference. She has also presented at Carol Ann Tomlinson's summer academy at the University of Virginia and internationally in Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.


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