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Cassandra Erkens  

Cassandra presents nationally and internationally on the topics of Assessment, Instruction, School Improvement, and collaborative learning teams.

Cassandra presents nationally and internationally on the topics of Assessment, Instruction, School Improvement, and collaborative learning teams. She is the president and owner of Anam Cara Consulting, Inc., and serves as adjunct faculty to a few local universities where she takes teachers through graduate education courses.

She has authored and co-authored a wide array of published trainings and she has designed and delivered the training of trainers programs for two major education based companies. She is co author to the 2012 book Leading by Design: An Action Framework for PLC Leaders At Work. She is a contributing author in the following anthologies: The Collaborative Administrator: Working Together as a Professional Learning Community, The Collaborative Teacher: Working Together as a Professional Learning Community, The Principal as Assessment Leader, and The Teacher as Assessment Leader.

As an educator and recognized leader, Cassandra has served as a senior high school English teacher, a director ofstaff development at the district level, a regional school improvement facilitator at the state level, and a director of staff and organization development in the private sector.

Speech Topics


Formative Assessment

Classroom Assessment

Instructional Strategies

Instructional Leadership

Job Embedded PD Models and Applications (Leadership Development, Action Research, Common Assessments)

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Developing Healthy and Productive Teams

Leading Change

Facilitation Skills for Leadership Empowerment

Teacher Leadership

Leadership Development Across the Organization

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