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Cathy Lewis  

A popular broadcaster inspiring listeners and saving the art of conversation one show at a time

Cathy Lewis connects people to the world around them and shares strategies to help them live larger lives. A popular broadcaster in southeastern Virginia, Cathy uses real stories and experiences to help audiences discover what matters to them and how to use their own personal power to leave a meaningful mark on the world.

For nearly 15 years, Cathy has hosted a highly successful live radio talk show where she demonstrates daily her profound belief in the powerful, endangered art of conversation. She takes audiences behind the scenes of a show that takes shape without a script, where callers share the fascinating, moving, unexpected and often hilarious stories of their lives. With a front row seat to the changing media landscape, Cathy is a keen analyst of media trends. She challenges audiences to increase their media literacy so they can navigate the staggering array of media options available today.

An engaging and spontaneous speaker, Cathy also views the world through her lens as the wife of an Episcopal clergyman, an experience she documented in a series of humor essays for the Hallmark Channel. She inspires "spartners" (spouses and partners) of people in charge to use their "unofficial superpowers" for good and not evil and she gently invites all of us to reconsider our traditional notions of "spartners" in corporate, political and military life.

For her work in community engagement, Hampton Roads Magazine named her one of "50 Very Important People" and Virginia Wesleyan College awarded her an honorary doctorate.

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