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Celeste Huang-Menders    

Humanitarian Activist, Documentary Photographer, Artist, Journalist & Cybersecurity Advocate

Celeste Huang-Menders is a humanitarian activist, documentary photographer, journalist, artist, and cybersecurity advocate.

Huang-Menders was an Editorial Board Member and journalist for the Women’s Media Center’s FBomb division (F as in “feminist”), which shines a light on social issues impacting younger adults within a broader social justice dialogue. Huang-Menders has informed the public on topics ranging from female empowerment, mental health care during COVID-19, online safety and privacy, anti-Asian hate crimes, ending U.S. child marriages, and other pressing issues.

Huang-Menders is a co-founder of “The Power of Faces,” a global portrait project that shows displaced people and refugees with their inherent courage, beauty, dignity, and grace. Her documentary photography has been exhibited at the Museum of Art Fort Collins, Rowan University’s Center for Art and Social Engagement, numerous galleries, and historic institutions. A staunch social advocate for social justice, Huang-Menders has raised awareness of the global refugee crisis and the importance of youth advocacy through multiple TEDx Talks and presentations at numerous universities, museums, art galleries, and cultural and nonprofit institutions.

Huang-Menders also raises awareness of important social issues through her art. She has created larger-than-life murals across the country, from the U.S./Mexico border to support refugee families, Providence, RI, to recognize sisterhood, and downtown Trenton, NJ, to promote urban revival and community.

She is a student at Stanford University, focusing on cybersecurity and international studies. She is co-author of the book “Practical Cyber Security for Extremely Busy People” and has interned with the New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell, a division of U.S. Homeland Security, where she received hands-on training in threat analysis, incident reporting, and risk mitigation.

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