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Christopher Boudy  

Co-Founder at

Christopher Boudy started New Orleans Tech with colleagues in 2009 with the goal of making it the city's one-stop hub of technology, providing local tech news and tech support-based community outreach.

"There's a lot going on in the city, especially for entrepreneurial start-ups, that people don't normally hear about," Boudy says. "Technology has really been booming in the city for the past three years."

Boudy took an interest in computers at age 7 and they became both his passion and his career.

"My favorite thing about technology is that it is a tool that you can use in education, in medical fields, in our personal lives," Boudy says.

He acknowledges, however, that many people are not as tech-savvy as he is and could use some guidance. Through his work as a digital coach with the Entergy Innovation Center and a mentor with LaunchPad Ignition, Boudy educates and mentors entrepreneurs on how to effectively use the Web while starting a company. During Teen Tech Day earlier this year, Boudy and New Orleans Tech helped teenagers find the tools they need to pursue their interests in computers, the Internet and other technologies.

"A lot of people are not tech people," Boudy says. "I have a gift of understanding technology and a gift for showing people and explaining technology. For me to focus on technology and spit it (back) out, I may be able to help someone's personal life."


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