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Christopher M. Schroeder      

Internet/Media CEO; Venture Investor; Writer on Startups

Christopher M. Schroeder is a Washington D.C.- and New York City-based entrepreneur and venture investor.

He co-founded, one of the nation's largest social and content platforms in health and wellness, backed by Sequoia Capital, Polaris Ventures, The Carlyle Group, Allen & Company and IAC Corporation.

The company was sold to the health media publisher, Remedy Health, in January 2012 where Schroeder remained a board adviser.

Previously, he was CEO of washingtonpost.newsweek interactive and, the b2b interactive platform on US and state legislation and regulation that he sold in 2000.

He currently is an active investor in and adviser to top US venture capital funds and over a dozen consumer-facing social/media startups. He has had a career in finance and served in President George H.W. Bush's White House and Department of State on the staffs of James A. Baker, III and Robert B. Zoellick.

Schroeder was invited to speak and mentor at the Celebration of Entrepreneurship in Dubai in 2010, one of the first major gathering of tech startups in the Middle East, and it began his journey that became Startup Rising.

In thirteen subsequent trips to the region, interviewing over 150 entrepreneurs, investors and global tech leaders, he has written extensively about startups and technology in emerging growth markets for The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, AllThingsD, TechCrunch, Pando Daily, Harvard Business Review, Business Insider among other publications.

He speaks regularly around the globe, and sits on the board of advisers of The American University of Cairo School of Business, the Jordanian incubator Oasis500, the Middle East online entrepreneur information platform and network He was named one of LinkedIn top 50 Influencers.

He graduated with honors from The Harvard Business School, and magna cum laude from Harvard College. Schroeder is married to Alexandra Coburn and has three children.


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Christopher M. Schroeder is an Internet venture investor and the Washington- based author of “Startup Rising,” a new book about a largely unrecognized ...
Christopher Schroeder: The Conceit of Internet Control -
By; CHRISTOPHER M. SCHROEDER. Amid all the recent news from the Middle East, here's some you might have missed: Jordan last month amended its ...
Christopher M. Schroeder - Authors - The Atlantic
Christopher M. Schroeder. Christopher M. Schroeder co-founded the health-and- wellness social platform and was formerly CEO and ...

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