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David Cowan    

David Cowan is an expert on Religion, International Relations & Economics.

Dr. David Cowan is an expert on Religion and International Relations, including economics. His book on the economic future of Saudi Arabia and Islam "The Coming Implosion of Saudi Arabia: A Behavioural Approach" (Palgrave Macmillan) will be out June 2018.

Dr Cowan is regular contributor to the Catholic Herald, Times Literary Supplement, and to other magazines including Burlington Magazine.

His most recent book is Frank H. Knight: Prophet of Freedom (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), a volume in the Great Thinkers in Economics series.He is also author of “Economic Parables: The Monetary Teachings of Jesus Christ” (Paternoster USA, 2007, 2nd Edition 2009), Strategic Internal Communication (Kogan Page, 2014). He has contributed essays on “Christianity and Economics” to the Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization (Blackwell) and on “Religious Minorities” to the International Enyclopedia of Political Science (CQ Press USA).

He holds a Bachelor of Theology and Master of Theology, both from the University of Oxford, and a Master of Letters and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of St Andrews.

He previously worked in Europe, the Gulf and North America as a journalist, editor, and as an executive in banking and industry for over twenty-five years, including Financial Times, Euromoney, and the World Bank Group in Washington DC. He has written for the Washington Times, Financial Times, The Times of London, The Middle East and has been interviewed by major print, television and radio media, including CNBC, Bloomberg TV, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and BBC Radio.

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