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Dean Lindsay      

Award-Winning Business Author & CEO of The Progress Agents LLC

Award-winning business author and CEO of The Progress Agents LLC, Dean Lindsay, is a successful business culture strategist, a skilled workshop facilitator and a powerful keynote speaker with a humorous and engaging approach. The popular host of the upbeat business program, "The DEAN’s List," airing on C-Suite Network TV, Lindsay has been hailed as an ‘Outstanding Thought Leader on Building Priceless Business Relationships’ by Sales and Marketing Executives International.

Lindsay's books, including "Creating Progress in a World of Change," "How to Achieve Big Phat Goals," and "Progress Leadership: Say NO to Change Management," have collectively sold over 100,000 copies worldwide and have been translated into multiple languages. These works have been endorsed by prominent figures such as Ken Blanchard, author of "The One Minute Manager." His latest book, "Progress Leadership: Say NO to Change Management," published in September 2021, emphasizes his expertise in fostering progress-based work cultures over traditional change management techniques.

As a cum laude graduate of the University of North Texas, Lindsay has served as a guest lecturer at UCLA and the University of Dallas MBA programs. He has shared his insights on building business relationships, customer service, and adapting to change across various international stages, including events in Spain, Turkey, Poland, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, Sweden, Aruba, and Jamaica. His client list includes major organizations such as American Airlines, Marriott, American Express, and Verizon. Lindsay's profound impact on business culture makes him a sought-after speaker for engaging and energizing corporate teams, especially during significant transitions like mergers.

Speech Topics

Big PHAT Goals Crafting and Committing to Progress-Based GOALS!!!

Big PHAT Goals is designed for organizations that view their payroll as an investment rather than an expense and are committed to retaining and developing committed self motivated team players. The Big PHAT Goals Program is designed to Align Personal Goals with Organizational Objectives and includes A Progress Agent’s Six Rules for Goal-Crafting found in Dean’s book, The Progress Challenge.

Always TIME to Progress!! – Time Management Training is Really SELF Management Training

Each of us is invest some of our time in daily activities that do not serve our goals. Time is the great equalizer. Learning and consistently utilizing effective time management strategies turns a perishable resource into a source of productivity and profits.

Diving For Referral Pearls – Cultivating Quality Referrals

Cultivating Quality Referrals is VITAL for sales in today’s tough economic times. In this motivational, thought provoking and highly entertaining program, Dean digs deep into the three keys to Consistently Cultivating Quality Referrals.

Stop, BOP and Roll – Finding PROGRESS in Change

The ailing economy and the tough business climate (not to mention the real climate) make it easy to understand why so many people have trouble finding ways to get and stay moving toward progress. Yet, opportunities for progress still exist, even in the most challenging of times.

The Rise of PROGRESS LEADERSHIP – Change Management Training for a PROGRESS Based World

The problem with the term “change management” is that no one really desires to change or plans to change. We desire and plan to progress. Based on Dean’s The Progress Challenge: Working and Winning in a World of Change.

Be a BAM – Seven Keys to Becoming a BUSINESS ATTRACTION MAGNET!!!

The days of the “Surefire Closing Statement” and the “Glad-handing Slick Salesman” are long gone. The business of sales is the business of ATTRACTION. We are attracted to products, services, ideas, and people that we TRUST can help us PROGRESS.

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Cherishing Customers – Earning and Maintaining Customer Loyalty in a Down Economy

In tough economic times, Customer service IS the difference between success and failure. This innovative program encourages participants to internalize three powerful insights about customers and introduces them to unique and powerful models for inspiring true customer loyalty.

Cracking the Networking CODE – 4 Steps to Priceless Business Relationships

You can’t achieve your best without learning the all-important art of connecting. Dean Lindsay’s rip-roaring CODE Cracking programs, based on his best selling business book Cracking the Networking CODE: 4 Steps to Priceless Relationships, are filled with fresh insights to build meaningful, profitable, win-win relationships for business and life.

The Progress Challenge: Working and Winning in a World of Change

The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge – a challenge to progress, a challenge to work and win in this world of continual, mind-spinning change. Meeting this challenge creates better leaders, better team members, better human beings.

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Cracking the Networking CODE: 4 Steps to Priceless Business Relationships
Sales Training, Business Networking Training, business networking speaker, business networking book...

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