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Douglas Reeves    

Founder of Creative Leadership Solutions, Education Expert on Assessment & School Reform

Dr. Douglas Reeves is one of the most noted experts on education and school reform. As a researcher, reformer, educator, and the author of over 20 books, he has received some of the most noteworthy awards in his respective fields.

Dr. Reeves is the founder of The Leadership and Learning Center, an international organization dedicated to improving student achievement and educational equity. Through its long-term relationships with school systems, the Center helps educators improve student achievement through practical and constructive approaches.

He is the author of the bestseller Making Standards Work: How to Implement Standards-Based Assessments in the Classroom, School, and District, now in its third edition. He is the recipient of the Parents' Choice Award for his extensive work in academics and his numerous contributions to national journals, magazines, and newspaper publications. In addition, he was twice selected for the Harvard Distinguished Authors Series and named the Brock International Laureate, one of the most significant education awards in the world.

Beyond his work in large-scale assessment and research, Dr. Reeves writes for American School Board Journal and ASCD Express. He continues his passion for education as a teacher, having taught students ranging from the elementary school level to doctoral candidates.

Dr. Douglas Reeves is a sought-after keynote speaker on issues concerning education standards, assessment, and accountability.

Speech Topics

Standards Are Not Enough: Engaging the Hearts & Minds of Every Stakeholder

If we have learned anything during the past two decades of the standards movement, it is that merely delivering a set of standards to the schoolhouse door accomplished nothing. In this interactive presentation, Dr. Reeves identifies the "worst practices" in standards implementation and creates a vision for engaging the intellectual and emotional energy or teachers, students, parents, and educational leaders.

New Generation Leadership & Teacher Evaluations: Linking Student Results, Teaching Practices & Leadership Strategies in Real Time

With landmark new research, Dr. Reeves provides the latest evidence from a dynamic system linking teaching, learning, and leadership. Accountability and evaluation have been the toxic waste dump of education, humiliating, and alienating students, teachers, and administrators. "It doesn't have to be that way," says Reeves. "We can use accountability as a learning system." The hallmarks of this new research represent three essential shifts. First, accountability changes from summative to formative - teachers and leaders received feedback throughout the year. Second, it is reciprocal - rather than teachers evaluated by administrators and principals evaluated by superintendents, accountability is an interactive process in which both the person assessed and the assessor make contributions to the evidence. Third, it is real-time and future-oriented rather than retrospective and backward-oriented. "The fundamental purpose of accountability is not to rate, rank, and humiliate," Reeves concludes, "but to improve system performance. That is what the new generation of leadership and teacher evaluations can do."

Leadership & Learning: What's New About Change Leadership?

In this provocative keynote address, Dr. Reeves challenges the conventional wisdom about change leadership. Does system-level change really take five to seven years? Is an implementation dip necessary? Is stakeholder buy-in a precondition of significant change? With compelling evidence from different research perspectives, Dr. Reeves challenges these and other prevailing notions of change leadership. In addition, Dr. Reeves addresses these critical topics for educators, school leaders, and policymakers.

Accountability and Beyond

Renewal Coaching: Sustainable Change for Individuals and Organizations

Raising Leaders: The Next Educational Imperative

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Change Leadership in Action

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