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Dr. Afiya Fredericks      

Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of the District of Columbia; Growth Mindset Expert

Dr. Afiya Fredericks is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of the District of Columbia. Her research agenda includes understanding the impact of implicit beliefs (mindsets) on motivation and achievement, and how to cultivate growth mindset-oriented environments.

She is a recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER grant award for $1.6 million, focused on better understanding how mindset research can be leveraged to create more equitable learning environments for minoritized students in STEM.

Dr. Fredericks is a St. Croix native, and completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of the Virgin Islands. She studied the growth mindset throughout her master’s and doctoral studies at Howard University. She has been immersed in mindset research for over a decade and is the former Director of Professional Learning at Mindset Works Inc. There, she supported the implementation of Growth Mindset programs and practices in schools and organizations for six years.

Speech Topics

Growth Mindset in Mentoring

A growth mindset, the understanding that intelligence grows with effort and practice, and other "non-cognitive performance factors" have emerged as concepts and strategies that hold the promise of significantly boosting youth success, even of reducing the education gap. The workshop presenters will discuss research-based methods, findings, challenges, and new approaches for helping youth shift and develop a growth mindset through mentoring. The workshop presents findings, challenges, and approaches for building a growth mindset through mentoring. Participants will engage in discovering their own mindset and learning techniques to empower themselves and others to increase their intelligence, reduce stress, and learn effectively.

Fostering Academic Success for our Future Leaders

The Impact of a Growth Mindset Intervention on the Mathematics Perofrmance of Elementary Students in the United States

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