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Dr. Kirren Schnack      

Clinical Psychologist, Author & Content Creator

Dr. Kirren Schnack is a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of clinical practice. She trained at the University of Oxford and has worked in the NHS, as well as in the law courts. Dr Kirren continues to work in clinical practice to this day. Driven by a deep sense of compassion and a desire to help those in need, she has dedicated her career to mental health. Her experiences, both personal and professional, have given her a unique perspective on the needs of those who face significant challenges in life.

During 2021, Dr Kirren started sharing her expertise online @drkirren, so far she has amassed over 680,000 followers across her social media platforms. Her online presence has provided people with a valuable resource to support their mental health.

With her first book TEN TIMES CALMER, her mission is to help those struggling with anxiety problems, by providing a practical toolkit filled with actionable strategies for managing everyday stressors, and overcoming anxiety problems. TEN TIMES CALMER addresses an urgent need, given the rise in people being referred for help with anxiety problems, and with many anxiety sufferers never receiving adequate help. Dr Kirren hopes to empower those who have struggled with anxiety to achieve a sense of calm so they can lead happier, healthier lives.

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