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Dr. Michio Kaku          

World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist; Author of "The God Equation"

Dr. Michio Kaku is one of the most widely recognized figures in science in the world today. He has written five New York Times Best-Sellers. His latest best seller is "The God Equation: The Quest for the Theory of Everything."

He is the science correspondent for national CBS This Morning TV. His weekly science radio show is heard in 100 cities across the country. He has 4.5 million fans on Facebook and one million people follow him on Twitter. He has hosted numerous science specials on the Discovery Channel, Science Channel, BBC-TV, and has appeared on the David Letterman Show, Good Morning America, Today Show, CBS Late Show with Stephen Colbert, HBO, Stephen Colbert Report, CNN, the History Channel, PBS-TV, National Geographic, and all the major news media.

He was recently chosen as “one of the most influential physicists in the world today” by Academic Influence.

He has written for Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, Astronomy Magazine, London Times, Daily Telegraph, and many other international newspapers.

He is an internationally recognized authority in two areas. The first is Einstein’s unified field theory, which Dr. Kaku is attempting to complete. The other is to predict trends affecting business, medicine, finance, and our way of life, based on the latest research in science. He has written five NY Times Best Sellers. Before "the God Equation," his latest was "The Future of Humanity," which projects the future of the space program decades to centuries into the future. His previous best seller, "The Future of the Mind," hit #1 on the NY Times, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble Best Sellers List, making it the #1 hardcover, non-fiction book in the country. He appears regular on national and international TV, and hosts numerous science TV and radio programs.

Dr. Kaku holds the Henry Semat Chair in Theoretical Physics at the City Univ. of New York. He graduated from Harvard University in 1968 (summa cum laude and 1st in his physics class). He received his Ph.D. in physics from the Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley in 1972, and been a professor at CUNY for almost 30 years. He has taught at Harvard and Princeton as well. His goal is to complete Einstein’s dream of a “theory of everything,” to derive an equation, perhaps no more than one inch long, which will summarize all the physical laws of the universe. He is the co-founder of string theory, a major branch of string theory, which is the leading candidate today for the theory of everything. His Ph.D. level textbooks are required reading at many of the world’s leading physics laboratories.

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