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Dr. Nicole Avena  

Acclaimed neuroscientist and an expert on nutrition, diet, and food addiction

Dr. Nicole Avena is a world-renowned neuroscientist and expert in the fields of nutrition, diet and addiction. Dr. Avena’s research suggests that overeating of palatable foods can produce changes in the brain and behavior that resemble addiction, which has jumpstarted an entire new field of exploration and discovery related to the obesity epidemic. She has published over 50 scholarly journal articles, and her latest book, Why Diets Fail, reveals definitive proof that sugar is addictive and presents a science based plan to stop cravings. Her research achievements have been honored by several prestigious groups, including the New York Academy of Sciences, the American Psychological Association, the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Dr. Avena has addressed an impressive array of audiences, including pharmaceutical companies, diabetes prevention groups, food industry marketing executives, nutrition groups, and obesity education groups. She speaks with extensive knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, including sugar addiction and cravings, why most diets fail, and the emotional implications from overeating. Her lectures integrate the psychological, social and biological factors that contribute to unhealthy eating habits, and offer research-based ways to promote healthy eating and body weight in adults and children. As an internationally renowned expert, Dr. Avena has contributed to articles in Men’s Health, Psychology Today, Bloomberg Businessweek, and WebMD.com, and lent her expertise to the discussion on New York City’s ban on large sodas.

Dr. Nicole Avena received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Psychology from Princeton University, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in molecular biology at The Rockefeller University in New York City.

Speech Topics

Raising Children to Eat Right

The Psychology of Healthy Eating

Food Addiction and Obesity

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