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Dr. Pamela Peeke        

Nutrition & Metabolism Expert, Integrative Medicine Specialist, Bestselling Author

Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally known physician, scientist, and expert in nutrition, metabolism, stress, and fitness. As a Pew Foundation Scholar in Nutrition and Metabolism and an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland, she brings a rich background in integrative and preventive medicine. Dr. Peeke holds dual master’s degrees in public health and policy and is a Fellow of both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Sports Medicine. She serves as a medicine and health commentator and regularly contributes to CNN's American Morning and the NBC Today show. Dr. Peeke is featured in the National Institutes of Health’s “Changing Face of Medicine” exhibit at the National Library of Medicine.

Dr. Peeke’s work extends beyond academia into media and public health advocacy. She is the Chief Medical Correspondent for Nutrition and Fitness for the Discovery Health Channel and has been featured in the award-winning National Body Challenge series. As the first senior research fellow at the National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine, Dr. Peeke helped pioneer scientific research into the interplay between stress, nutrition, and fitness. Her insights have led to national media appearances, including PBS specials like "Fight Fat After Forty: The Stress-Fat Connection". She is a trusted voice in public health, serving as a medical advisor for former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop's national Shape Up America campaign and as the Medical Director of the National Women's Health Resource Center.

An accomplished author, Dr. Peeke has written several New York Times bestsellers, including "Fight Fat After Forty" and "Body for Life for Women." Her engaging presentation style, combining scientific data with memorable narratives, has made her one of the most sought-after physician speakers in the nation. Her work and insights continue to inspire audiences worldwide, as she integrates her profound knowledge of medical science with practical approaches to health and wellness.

Speech Topics

Body for Life for Women

Growing Old, Growing Wise: Learning to Take Care of Yourself Along the Way

A Healthy, Stress Free Lifestyle: The Great Balancing Act

Shape Up America: National Body Challenge

Peeke Performers


Fight Fat After Forty by Dr. Pamela Peeke
Recently, I turned fifty; yes fifty! I can’t believe my age as I rarely ever feel fifty. As a runner, and in somewhat good fitness health, why would I pick up Fight Fat After Forty? I have very little fat on my body and, according to my doctors, women would kill to have my weight and metabolism.
TEDx Wall Street: Elements’ Dr. Pamela Peeke on How to Reclaim Your Brain From Addictive Living
Dr. Pamela Peeke makes confronting our unhealthy habits positively funny and inspiring, as attendees recently learned at TEDx Wall Street. We often cope with challenges propped up by “false fixes” that flicker out fast, Peeke told the audience.
THE HUNGER FIX: Dr. Pamela Peeke shows how to beat food addiction
Is there really a connection between food and addiction? And if so, what’s the solution? Dr. Pam Peeke, an honorary WSPA board member and internationally renowned expert in integrative medicine, has recently launched her new book, The Hunger Fix: The Three-Stage Detox and Recovery for Overeating and Food Addiction on the Katie Couric show.

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