Dr. R. Paul Williamson Headshot
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Dr. R. Paul Williamson  

Author, Motivator, Visionary, Energy Expert, Businessman, Innovator, Researcher, Academic Leader, and Change Agent

Dr. Williamson has spent a lifetime interacting with businesses, institutions, agencies, students, business leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate frontrunners, and the "hard-working men/women on the street." His ability to customize and design enthusiastic audience-centered presentations that are relevant and timely is equal to some of the best while his down-to-earth humorous style promotes interaction and audience involvement.

Based on organizational goals, Dr. Williamson works with groups to maximize time and energy invested in any presentation. National audiences have continuously endorsed his presentations and see his visionary and futurist outlook invigorating and hearting.

After a decade of research and work, he has organized the first national sustainable energy plan in his nationally available book "Winning the Energy Wars, A Sustainable Energy Plan for America's Future," available through all major bookstores (usa-sep.com). His nationwide interviews on radio and television have been widely praised, informative, conversational and audience interactive.

His entertaining and provocative delivery style combined with in-depth research and an innovative approach makes him a favorite with clients who want to move beyond the limitations of traditional "best practices" and set breakthrough objectives to achieve maximum success.

Topics that Dr. Williamson has presented include energy, sustainability, alternative energy, energy planning, personal development, business, leadership development, campus issues, advanced transportation (monorail, hydrogen, electric), corporate training, financial planning, change management, entrepreneurship, team building, and employee motivation.

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