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Dr. Steven Howe
Director of the CSNR
Dr. Steven D. Howe was appointed the first Director of the CSNR in 2005. He was previously part of the Thermonuclear Applications group of the Applied Physics Division at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Howe's research interests include antiproton physics and applications, nuclear rocket propulsion, hyper-velocity aerodynamics and thermodynamics, and non-equilibrium X-ray emission.
Dr. Howe is also a fiction writer, having published the novella Wrench and Claw in Analog Magazine and the novel Honor Bound Honor Born, which detailed the possible development of the first commercial base on the Moon.
Dr. Howe has appeared in numerous television programs about space and rocketry. He holds five patents involving the storage and application of antiprotons, and he is the co-founder of Hbar Technologies. Dr. Howe has served on a number of national committees.
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