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Eric Sean        

Motivational Speaker Mindset Coach

With a wealth of knowledge and understanding acquired through avenues of education, training, and personal experience, Eric Sean is much more than a motivational speaker, mindset coach, minister, personal trainer, and author. He is living proof through practice that the principles and ideas that he espouses can be transformational. As a man who rose above the circumstances laid at his feet throughout his life’s journey, he now dedicates himself to working with those who have walked through the gauntlet of traumatic experiences and still find themselves bound by its chains.

Sean’s message and belief in the unparalleled power of both the mind and mindset is the proverbial key that can unlock those binds and set people free by introducing them to the true value and potential that they hold both personally and professionally. With his help, his clients have found success in areas that range from weight loss all the way to befriending and falling in love with the man or woman that they see in the mirror. And while so many people speak of dreams and goals as far fetched thoughts of a life gone by, Eric Sean believes that the only limitations people have are those they place on themselves and, as long as they are willing to do the work, dreams and goals can become their reality.

Sean’s journey through this life and the lessons he distilled from all of its experiences culminated in his development of Purposefully Living Life By Design. And he has since dedicated himself to passing on all of the lessons that he fought so mightily to know. He is a man of action and commits himself daily to raising the love vibration of the world one word, one step, one person, and one dream at a time.

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