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Evie West  

Former L.A. Gang Member Turned Police Officer & Pro-Life Advocate

Evie West speaks from experience as a former L.A. gang member and two-time teen mother who was faced with the decision to terminate her second unborn son. Through God’s amazing grace, a story of intrigue, tough love, and miracles, West’s life is now a passionate picture of redemption and abundant life.

West’s story comes alive on the pages of her book, “Revolving Choices: Playing Roulette with Life.” Each chapter brings to life the adventure and journey of a young Hispanic girl in a desperate search for identity, whose life drastically changes when confronted by the power of Jesus Christ. Her story is evidence that God can take your mess and make it your message of love, forgiveness, and restoration.

In 1996, West was divinely transplanted to Cleveland, Tennessee, where she enrolled at Lee University. In 2001, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies and a minor in Bible. West now serves her community as a police officer for the City of Cleveland and works to promote an environment of peace and safety by assisting several organization boards such as Ocoee Regional Multicultural Services, Keep America Beautiful, and Habitat for Humanity.

Because she understands how one comes to the decision to abort a child and what it feels like to give birth and not take her baby home, she speaks with heartfelt compassion on pro-life issues. Adoption as an option is a message she endorses as a volunteer at New Hope Pregnancy Care Center in Cleveland, Tennessee.

West is married to Brandon West, who works as a physician’s assistant. They have two children.

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