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Frank King            

Stand-Up Comedian, Suicide Prevention Speaker & Mental Health Awareness Activist

Frank King, aka The Mental Health Comedian, is a Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer who turned a lifelong battle with depression into a keynote worth spreading. After writing for the "Tonight Show" for 20-plus years and performing corporate comedy, King’s attention changed to a focus on mental health. His mission is to end the stigma surrounding mental health by sharing his insights with anyone and everyone who will listen in an effort to “start the conversation.”

King has thought about killing himself more times than he can count. Like many of us, depression and suicide run in his family. He addresses his own trials and tribulations using a tool people from all walks of life can relate to, humor. In his TED Talk "A Matter of Life or Death," he openly addresses topics considered taboo in today’s society.

As a humorous keynote speaker, Frank brings his corporate brand of comedy to educate, inspire, and finally, entertain… ah-has, with a sprinkling of ha-ha’s, in a one of a kind presentation on matters of life and death.

He blends his experience as a clean, clever stand-up comedian, an award-winning syndicated humor columnist, and as a warrior in his own lifelong battle with depression and thoughts of suicide, for content-packed and eminently listenable keynote presentations and workshops.

He believes that where there is humor, there is hope. And where there is laughter, there is life… Nobody dies laughing.

King is originally from North Carolina and now spends his off days in the Pacific Northwest. He travels the United States and beyond spreading his message, hoping to end the stigma surrounding mental health and influencing the general public to start the conversation.

Speech Topics

Shift Happens

Laugh and Learn the 5 Stages of Change and How to Use Humor to Survive 'em

Bare-knuckled Networking

Laugh and Learn the Top 10 Traits of a Master Networker

Who Moved My Trophy

Laugh and Learn the 6 Secrets to Recruiting, Retaining, and Rewarding the 3 Generations in Today's Workplace

The Creation Theory

Laugh and Learn How to Tap into your God-Given Source of Creativity and Innovative Thinking

"Laugh It Off"

Laugh and Learn How, When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Joking


Event inspires solutions to mental health challenges
On Saturday, students gathered to participate in MindHack, an event focused on tackling mental health issues along with a variety of mental health focused activities in Hunt Library and on Centennial campus. Participants were split into teams and came up with a solution to a case study related to mental health. They spent the day developing an idea that they later presented in front of a panel of judges, competing for a series of prizes given to the first and second place teams...

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