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Fred Barnes is the former executive editor of The Weekly Standard, which he co-founded in 1995. From 1985 to 1995, he was senior editor and White House correspondent for The New Republic. He covered the Supreme Court and the White House for the Washington Star before moving to the Baltimore Sun in 1979. He served as the national political correspondent for the Sun and wrote the "Presswatch" media column for the American Spectator.
Barnes appears regularly on the Fox News Channel. From 1988 to 1998 he was a regular panelist on the McLaughlin Group. He has also appeared on Nightline, Meet the Press, and Face the Nation.
Barnes graduated from the University of Virginia and was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University.
Speech Topics
The Political Landscape in Washington
Fred Barnes presentation offers an insider’s look at the presidency, Congress and the 2016 Presidential election. With over 25 years of reporting on Washington politics, his analysis and predictions are among the most on-target of anyone covering Washington. Barnes takes a hard look at the impact of a Republican-controlled Congress on the Obama agenda for his remaining time in office and what issues are front of mind for the American electorate.
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